A Híradó Filmklub a nyári szünet előtti szenzonzáró vetítésre készül. A szívmelengető történet középpontjában egy különleges kisfiú áll, aki más mint a többiek, mégis ugyanúgy elfogadásra vár. A film után most is beszélgetünk Madarász Isti rendezővel, akinek két vendége is velünk lesz: Kovács Krisztina (Autizmus spektrum pedagogiaja szakos gyógypedagógus, szomatopedagógus, a Golgota Budapest gyerekszolgálat vezetője) és Madarász Emma (Isti lánya:))

Gyertek el május 13-án 18.00-kor az Igazi csoda (Wonder, 2017) című film vetítésére! A belépés ingyenes, popcorn is jár hozzá, úgyhogy egy kellemes hétfő esti kikapcsolódásnak ígérkezik, ahová nyugodtan hívhattok barátokat is.


This year, we are organizing the Women's Weekend in Vajta on May 10-12. All girls, women, wives and ladies are invited to get built up and grow together and enjoy the company of God and each other. Sign up by Sunday, April 21 through this link.


It's going to be another busy season at Zichy Castle in Vajta this summer. We have a lot of work to do, but we couldn't do it without you! So, this summer again we are looking forward to you joining us as volunteers in Vajta. If you're over 14, love being in a Christian community and want to grow in service and faith, this is the place for you. Everyone can join us for a minimum of two weeks! Or, if you are an adult and working, you can come to serve for a week! This year there will also be an opportunity to participate in a special program that will give you a greater opportunity to deepen your faith! You can register here.


We look forward to seeing what God has planned for our church this year! We will have camps, conferences and weekends again this year which will be a super opportunity to experience God's blessings and care.

TAX 1%

The 1% tax donations are an important part of our church's budget. One such offering means about 8,000 forints to the church, so we encourage you to donate your tax 1% to the church this year if you haven't already - the church 1% can be given to Golgota Keresztény Gyülekezet and the non-governmental 1% to the Golgota Művészeti Alapítvány (Golgota Arts Foundation). Thank you!


If you love nature and would like to get recharged, come and hike with us on May 4 to a circular tour from Hűvösvölgy through Kis-Hárs-hegy and Nagy-Hárs-hegy. Invite your friends too! You can find more information here.


Május 6-án este 6-kor lesz a 2023-24-es évad utolsó női alkalma, amelynek Stb. a címe. Arról lesz szó ugyanis, hogy hogyan szeressük jól azokat, akikről még nem beszéltünk ebben a sorozatban: az ügyfeleinket (vagy fordítva), szomszédainkat, lakótársunkat…, különösen a nehezebb eseteket? Szeretettel várunk benneteket a Menedékben!


From Sopron to Debrecen and from Esztergom to Pécs, there are Golgota Churches in more than 20 cities. This June we are organizing a joint worship service in Vajta, where all the churches in Hungary are able meet. We are looking forward to seeing you too there! You can register here.


We are delighted to announce that the application for the 2024 Young Teens' Camp has started. Each year it is a blessing for us and for the children to have an opportunity to spend time in a place where we are dedicated to growing closer to God and deepening our community. This year our theme will be generosity - Jesus's generosity, and the generosity He calls us to. The camp will be in Inárcs July 21-26. For more details see the registration form.


Come and spend a relaxing weekend June 8-9 at the Castle in Vajta, where you can also improve your relationship with your spouse. Hear exciting stories and advice on good communication, conflict resolution and forgiveness. We recommend this weekend to all couples. You can understand each other better and find solutions together. The program starts on Saturday at 10am and ends on Sunday with lunch! You can come earlier, on Friday too. Sign up via the website or Facebook until May 26!


Several times a year, we try to help people in need in our district, but other organizations do the same at the same times. However, poverty has not gone away for most families since Christmas. We invite you to our spring food collection at a Tesco in Budapest. This time, the collection will be a two-day event, on May 10-11 . You can sign up for a shift, which will last 5-6 hours. We will address the customers and inform them about the collection. There will be a collection point in the store to drop off purchased non-perishable food items. The collection is nationwide and its main organizer is the Food Bank Association. You can sign up here.

SUNDAY | 9:00 | WEDNESDAY | 18:00 |